Saturday, 4 June 2011

Meeting a hero of mine

Today I met Dinah Alison, quite by chance.  As we were dropping off the children at bell ringing practice I saw that the church hall was being used for a Coeliac UK fair.  As an unofficial Coeliac I was very interested in this and went along later to have a look.  The fair itself was fascinating, lots of information to look through and so many free samples of food I don't think I will need to eat again today!  As I was cruising around the stalls I realised the next one was selling the book Totally Flour-Free Baking - my hero book that gave the name for this blog - see my post in June 2007 here

{{{picture of the 2 of us to be inserted here as soon as I figure out how to get it off himself's phone!}}}

It was wonderful to find Dinah actually behind the stall and I gushed on embarrassingly about how wonderful her book is, how much I have used it and how successful the recipes have been.  What a great start to the weekend!

** Kate ** 

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