Monday, 11 June 2007

Urticaria Diet Update

We have re-introduced

  • Plain white wheat flour
  • Banana
  • Cherries (not sure if they were banned anyway)
  • Cucumber

He's also had no ill effects from his inoculations.

Today he has asked to try strawberries, his dad's going to bring some home for him after work. Fingers crossed as they are one of the known allergens for this sort of rash.

I've run out of homemade sweets so this will be a good opportunity to photograph them in the making for the blog. Cue disastrous mounds of molten sugar and burnt fingers.

One interesting thing that we have noticed is that Small-n-Grubby is MUCH more bouncy and lively on this diet. Not sure if its all the sugar in the homemade stuff or the effect of removing processed foods from his diet. Will be asking the doc about this at the next check up. He's certainly more of a handful than ever!!!!

** Kate **

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